Common Questions
Who do you represent?
We have represented professionals throughout the country (primarily physicians, dentists and other attorneys), helping them collect rightful benefits under their private, “own-occupation” disability insurance policies. Our firm is nationally regarded for our unparalleled track record in securing benefits for our clients.
We have handled claims throughout the country with all of the major disability insurance companies and are well-known for our successful track record. We are selective and limit the number of cases we take, to ensure that we are able to devote time, resources and energy to each individual client in order to secure their rightful benefits.
Have you handled disability claims involving my profession/insurance company/medical condition?
Please click here for a list of the professionals we represent, the disability insurance companies we file claims against and litigate against, and the types of claims our attorneys have handled.
Do you only represent professionals who have had their benefits denied or terminated?
No. While we do represent clients who have had their disability insurance claims denied or terminated, ideally, we consult with professionals from the moment they realize that they may need to file a disability insurance claim, work with them to ensure that everything is properly documented and submitted, and combat all bad faith tactics their insurance company may seek to engage in to save money at their expense.
How are you paid? Do you charge a contingency or hourly fee?
If we decide to take a matter on, we typically charge a contingency fee that varies depending on the nature of the claim, the stage in the claim process, the particular difficulties involved, the amount involved, and the risk we assume. We determine the fee after we have finished our initial review/vetting of the potential claim or case.
We do represent clients on an hourly basis in certain limited circumstances, in situations involving discrete issues; however, our typical fee is a contingency fee.
Do you provide free consultations?
Yes, we do provide free consultations. As noted above, we thoroughly vet each potential long-term disability claim before accepting representation and we do not charge for this evaluation.
For more discrete/hourly matters, we also provide a free initial consultation and charge hourly for our time beyond that.
Do you review disability policies for professionals on an hourly basis?
Yes, in certain circumstances. We do not (and cannot) tell you if a policy is the “best” policy for you, because we don’t have access to all of the policies being sold on the market. As such, we do not advise professionals who are purchasing disability policies.
However, we may be willing to enter into a limited engagement to review and answer specific questions about existing disability policies (such as how the contract works generally, portions of the contract that may be vague/legally ambiguous, the interplay between overlapping definitions/applicable provisions in multiple policies, the significance of policy riders/how they can change base policy definitions, and how the contract might apply in a particular claim scenario).
What are my odds of collecting benefits if I file a disability claim?
“Own-occupation” disability claims filed by professionals are especially targeted for denial/termination by insurance companies due to the significant liability that a professional’s long-term disability claim poses.
While your odds of collecting will vary depending on your profession, the nature of your condition, your insurance company, and the terms of your policy, generally speaking it is difficult for professionals to collect benefits on their own if they have a chronic, slowly progressive condition or a condition that is not completely objectively verifiable. Other factors that often make it harder for professionals to collect include continuing to work post-diagnosis, reducing work hours or stopping certain procedures, or modifying their occupation by working in other capacities prior to filing a claim. Additionally, newer (post-2000) disability policies are much more complex and stringent, and make it much harder to collect if you do not have a full understanding of what the disability claims process entails.
That being said, it is possible to collect if you have a legitimately disabling condition and have a thorough understanding of your condition, your policy’s requirements and the industry tactics aimed at improperly denying your claim. Most professionals seek the assistance of experienced counsel. Our attorneys’ experience and preparedness gives us an advantage in knowing what really matters on a claim, and what makes the difference between collecting or not collecting disability insurance benefits.
Other Common Questions
- What should I expect when filing a disability claim?
- What issues am I most likely to face handling my disability insurance claim alone?
- Why are disability insurance claims made by physicians, dentists and other professionals especially targeted for denial or termination?
- My disability claim was just denied. What should I do now?
- What can my insurance company do when it is investigating my claim?
- Do insurance companies conduct surveillance and, if so, when are they watching?
- Why does my insurer want to conduct a field interview?
- How can I tell if I have a true own-occupation policy?
- What are the different types of disability policies?
- What should I look for in a disability insurance policy?