At heart, I have always been an entertainer. I started dancing and singing professionally when I was 16, performing on Broadway and with various troupes. In the mid-1980’s I started creating, choreographing, directing and producing large-scale Cirque du Soleil-style performances. My shows have played all over the world, in countries on all five continents, for more than 8 million people. One of my most well-know projects was creating and directing Cirque de la Mer for Sea World in San Diego. Several years ago, I started having trouble with my feet, to the point where I could not walk without experiencing excruciating pain. I tried ankle braces, arch supports, and physical therapy but nothing helped. Eventually, my entire left foot had to be reconstructed using multiple fusions and hardware. Unfortunately, following the reconstruction, the hardware broke down and my foot continued to deteriorate to the point where my doctors had to operate again and take out the faulty hardware, reinstate different hardware and complete the fusion. In spite of all of this, my insurance company repeatedly questioned my eligibility to receive disability benefits under my policy, to the point where they were sending private investigators to stake-out my home, where I lived with my young child. I endured interview after interview, and explained my condition and my occupation over and over again, but to no avail. Finally, I contacted Ed, and he stepped in, got the company to back off, and ultimately negotiated a buyout with the insurance company, so that I no longer have to deal with them anymore. It was refreshing to find someone who was not only willing to take the time to understand my unique job and my complicated medical condition, but also had the skill set to turn around a real bad situation.
Samuel Trego
Entertainment Industry CEO