Will New Demands on Healthcare Professionals Lead to More Disabled Doctors?
A recent article by health insurance writer Allison Bell explains, from an insurance industry perspective, why the new administrative demands on health care professionals might lead to an increase in doctors facing disability:
[I]t seems reasonable to ask whether, for example, the new pressure to convert to electronic health records will lead to some physicians at small or understaffed practices to develop carpal tunnel syndrome and blurry vision from trying to enter, or at least, check, many of the records themselves. Will sleep deprivation related to an increase in workload cause or aggravate objective conditions, such as lack of exercise, obesity and high blood pressure, that will, in turn, lead to an increase in the number of doctors with disability insurance who suffer heart attacks. strokes and disabling car accidents?
Healthcare professionals: Do you think the push for electronic health records and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will lead to an increase in disabled doctors?