Long Term Disability by Gender, Age and Occupation
In previous posts, we have reviewed data collected by the Council for Disability Awareness related to long term disability claims.[1] In the next few posts, we are going to look at the most recent study conducted by the Council for Disability Awareness.
To begin, here are a few of the notable trends that the study revealed regarding the gender, age and occupation of long term disability claimants:
- The majority of long term disability claims are filed by women.
- The average age of long term disability claimants has increased in recent years, with the vast majority of claimants filing between the ages of 50 and 59.
- The number of in-force individual disability policies for business management and administration, physicians and dental professional occupation categories increased, while the number of in-force policies for sales and marketing professionals decreased.
[1] The Council for Disability Awareness is “a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the American public about the risk and consequences of experiencing an income-interrupting illness or injury.”
See http://www.disabilitycanhappen.org/research/CDA_LTD_Claims_Survey_2014.asp