Arizona Now Matches Other States’ Professional Licenses
In April 2019, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed legislation making Arizona the first state to match other states’ professional licenses. This allows individuals whose jobs require licenses, including dentists and physicians, to automatically receive a license in Arizona, provided they held a similar license in another state for at least one year with no disciplinary action. Under the new law, Arizona’s licensing boards can only test for Arizona-specific information.
Proponents say it paves the way for skilled workers to relocate and bring their expertise to Arizona, without added expense and time delays before they can start working. Further, those in support say it could help to address the medical and nursing shortages in Arizona. Those against the bill cited potential public health and safety concerns, arguing that some states have easier licensing requirements and that new arrivals will compete with those currently practicing in Arizona, potentially driving down wages.
Other states have taken less sweeping steps to ease licensing requirements for relocating professionals, such as reciprocity agreements between states and, in the case of Utah, accepting licenses from other states, but only for military spouses.
Currently, the American Medical Association advises physicians, in general, to plan to wait 60 days between the date an application is submitted and the date a license to practice medicine is granted. The American Dental Association, while supporting individual state’s rights to regulate licensure for dentists, has also adopted policies on licensure issues, including the freedom of movement for dentists and standardization of clinical licensing examinations.
At the bill’s signing in Phoenix, the governor said an expected 100,000 relocating professionals will benefit from the legislation in 2019. Attorneys, private investigators, and security guards are exempt from the new legislation and are still required to complete the Arizona licensing process. As of this writing, the law is expected to go into effect August 2, 2019.
Jonathan J. Cooper, Arizona becomes 1st to match out-of-state work licenses, Associated Press, April 10, 2019.
Lurissa Carbajal, Arizona becomes the first state to recognize all out-of-state occupational licenses, Cronkite News, April 10, 2019.
Howard Fischer, Ducey signs bill for state to recognize out-of-state-license, Arizona Capitol Times, April 10, 2019.
American Medical Association, Obtaining a medical license
American Dental Association, Licensure Overview