Occupation at Time of Disability:
A Case Study
Often, a definition of total disability includes a phrase along the lines of you are considered Totally Disabled “you are not able to perform all or the substantial and material duties of your regular occupation at the start of your Total Disability.” While this may seem straightforward, we’ve seen conflicts arise when it comes to defining what an insured’s regular occupation was at the start of a disability.
One such example is the case of Johnson v. Ohio National.[1] Dr. Johnson was an OB/GYN from 1993 through May 2007, with several different employers. However, from May to October 2007, he took time off and was subsequently not able to find work in the OB/GYN field, although he was actively looking for it. From October 2007 through March 2008, he worked on a temporary basis at a clinic, filling in for other doctors as needed. He also worked part-time as a physician at an Urgent Care clinic (where he did no OB/GYN-related duties).
In June of 2008, Dr. Johnson saw an internal medicine doctor for joint pain, swelling and stiffness in his hands, along with a rash. Lab tests revealed significant inflammation of the hands. Dr. Johnson was referred to and saw a rheumatologist on November 14, 2008, where he was diagnosed as having psoriatic arthritis. On December 26, 2008 he submitted a claim with Ohio National for total disability. Although Ohio National agreed on the date of disability (June 2008) and that psoriatic arthritis prevented Dr. Johnson from practicing as an OB/GYN, they claimed his occupation at the time of his disability was that of an urgent care doctor—and that he was still able to do the material and substantial job duties of an urgent care physician.
The Courts agreed with Ohio National, finding that at the time of his disability, Dr. Johnson was working as an urgent care physician, regardless of the fact that he was a Board-certified OB/GYN and had been doing that for the majority of his career.
We’ve encountered dentists and physicians who inadvertently change their occupation by starting to work in another position or role, or otherwise modify their job duties, often as a way to accommodate a disability. Since regular occupation is often defined along the lines of “the occupation (or occupations if more than one) in which you are regularly engaged at the time you become Totally Disabled,” insurance companies will typically ask for CPT or CDT codes to identify the specific job duties you are doing at the time your disability started. In some instances, this might allow an insurance company to claim you are not working in your specialty and try to claim you are doing the very broadest job possible (thus making it easier to say you are still able to work).
This case highlights the importance of understanding the terms and requirements of your individual policy when it comes to how total disability is defined. If you are worried about how your insurer is classifying your occupation and have questions, please feel free to reach out to one of our attorneys directly.
Every claim is unique and the discussion above is only a limited summary of the court’s ruling in this case. If you are concerned that your insurer is not evaluating your claim under the proper standard, an experienced disability insurance attorney can help you assess the situation and determine what options, if any, are available.
[1] Johnson v. Ohio National Life Assurance Co., No. WD-12-029, 2014 WL 201691 (Ohio Ct. App. Jan. 17, 2014).