“Presenteeism” is a term used to describe the phenomenon of showing up to work in spite of illness, impairment, or disability that limits their productivity. Presenteeism is very common among physicians and dentists. Oftentimes, physicians and dentists will continue to practice in spite of physical limitations and/or alter their practices to accommodate their limitations, instead of filing for disability benefits. Sometimes, physicians and dentists will also start working in another capacity, such as an administrative position, or as a real estate agent, etc., to supplement their income. Continuing to work in spite of a disabling condition not only risks the safety of their patients and exposes them to malpractice liability, but also can make it more difficult to file for disability in the future, because they have demonstrated an ability to work in spite of their disability and, in many cases, modified the nature and scope of their occupation under the terms of their policy by reducing their duties or taking on new responsibilities.
Click here for more information about how presenteeism can negatively affect your disability claim.